Hot Weather Brings Air Quality Concerns

As the summer starts to approach and the warmer weather sets in, hot temperatures can have an impact on your air quality in your home. Scenarios like this are increasingly commonplace during the summer months, which is all the more reason why you should have your home filtration system investigated and potentially even replaced. With… Read more »

How to Keep Your Restaurant Air Quality Clean

Restaurant kitchen releasing smoke and grease into the air systems

Restaurant air quality is something that can be overlooked by owners in the business. We are so focused on the cleanliness and quality of the food itself, we don’t realize the effect that the air quality has on the restaurant and the environment. As a restaurant owner, the customer’s satisfaction is the number one priority,… Read more »

Indoor Air Pollutants and the Health Issues

Smoking tobacco indoors causes bad air quality

Your indoor air quality is so important to your health, yet we still don’t realize what factors can drive poor air quality in our homes. We always think of air pollution as being something of the outdoors such as smog or burning fossil fuels, but this isn’t the case or our indoor air. The Causes… Read more »

Schedule Regular Air Duct Cleaning for Cleaner Air

Technician cleaning air duct in a home

No matter what type of home or commercial building you own, having your air ducts cleaned on a regular basis is one of the most important things you can do. While you may not think of the cleanliness of your air ducts on a regular basis, it can actually play a large role in the… Read more »

Check Your Air Duct Vents in the New Year

Home Vent Cleaning

This year, instead of just bettering yourself, take the time to better your home with some of the ventilation cleaning services available from Superior Air Duct Cleaning. Here are a few of the areas we can clean in your home. Air Ducts Although we usually just pass by them without a second thought, the air… Read more »

HVAC Energy Savings During the Winter Months

Home energy audit during the winter months

HVAC systems make up a huge portion of a home’s energy bill. Homeowners are always on edge when considering the prospect of changing out a furnace or another expensive component within this system. However, even given the cost of buying new equipment, the technology available in today’s HVAC system market almost pays for itself through… Read more »

Keeping Air Clean in the Winter Months

Electric Air Cleaners keeping indoor air clean for the winter season

With winter quickly approaching, many families and workers will be spending more time indoors. Without windows open, this means that the air inside can grow stale and harbor many more particles and pollutants than in the warmer months. To combat these contaminants and keep your indoor air quality high, you may want to invest in… Read more »

How Do You Know if Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning?

Man cleaning air ducts in building

Modern heating and cooling systems often work so well that it is easy to forget about routine maintenance like cleaning. Regular cleaning of air ducts, however, helps to keep the heating and cooling system running properly and safely. Some homes and businesses will need to air duct cleanings more frequently than others. Buildings that are… Read more »

Importance of Humidifiers in Winter Months

Central Humidifier

Have you ever walked by that humidifier aisle in the home goods store and wondered what all the fuss was about? Well, it’s the right season to start talking about humidifiers, so we’ll clue you in! As the weather gets colder, the air dries out, and dry air is not good. Dry air can lead… Read more »

Easy Ways to Minimize Indoor Air Pollution

Easy Ways to Minimize Indoor Air Pollution

Whether we’re sleeping, relaxing after a long day of work or entertaining guests, our homes are rarely empty. Because we spend so much time in our homes, it’s important to keep the air inside them clean and free of harmful pollutants. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps homeowners can take to eliminate airborne… Read more »