HEPA filters, short for High-efficiency particulate arrestance, offer some of the best filtration available. The media in these devices capture more than 99.97 percent of particles that pass through it that are 0.3 microns or larger. To help put this into perspective, one micron is equal to one-millionth of a meter, meaning that these are incredibly minute particles like pollen, dust, dirt and other irritants that can cause asthma or allergy issues to flare up. These systems work in three stages:
Stage 1: Pre-Filter
Each unit includes a pre-filter that captures any large dust particles before they reach the HEPA filter, which helps remove the largest irritants and extends the life of the HEPA filter.
Stage 2: HEPA Filter
The HEPA filter captures 99.97 percent of airborne particles 0.3 microns or larger. These HEPA filters have a lifespan of up to five years, meaning that you won’t have to frequently replace filters three to five times a year, as is the case with many more traditional filtration units.
Stage 3: VOC Blankets
VOC blankets – short for volatile organic compounds – are packed with carbon filtering elements that help to purify the air of odors and gasses that may be circulating along with the air. The carbon filters absorb impurities in the air, producing odour-free – and thoroughly filtered – air to then circulate throughout your home.
If you have any questions about HEPA filtration systems or would like more information regarding HEPA units, contact Superior Air Duct Cleaning today. One of our knowledgeable customer service representatives will be more than happy to assist in answering any questions you may have and can provide you with additional information on pricing and installation options available with Superior ADC.