Air ducts should be professionally cleaned out at least once a year. The damp and dark areas that connect to heating and cooling units in your home are prime spots for the growth of mold, fungi, and other allergens and air pollutants. Still not sold on the importance of cleaning your air ducts fairly regularly? Well, we’ve put together a few of the more important reasons to keep your air ducts clean – for the health and safety of yourself and your family.
Two out of three indoor air quality issues are linked directly to air ducts that aren’t regularly maintained. With indoor air quality being ranked fifth in environmental dangers to the public, that’s a big deal. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can be 2-5 times more prolific in indoor air than outdoor air and with 60-90% of our time being spent indoors, that’s a lot of harmful stuff making its way into our lungs.
One out of every six people who suffer from allergies link those allergies directly to dust and fungi accumulation in air ducts. In the average six-room house, over 40 pounds of dust can accumulate in air ducts each year. With up to 40,000 dust mites able to survive on a single ounce of dust, which means you’re probably hosting a few more guests than you’d like to. Dust mites are the cause of allergic reactions in between 10 and 15 percent of the population.
And if the health reasons to maintain your air ducts aren’t enough, the costs of inefficient heating and cooling systems can also be of a financial nature. Clogged air ducts can reduce the efficiency of a system by up to 15%. Nine out of ten energy system failures are caused by dust and full replacements can be extremely costly.
For more information on the risks and costs associated with poorly maintained air ducts, keep up with our blog. And for all of your maintenance needs, contact Superior Air Duct Cleaning today!
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